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Showing posts from 2024

A whole new journey

Salam and hello everyone! *knock knock* Anyone still around? If you are, you're awesome! If you're new, welcome to my blog! A place where I share my thoughts on beauty discoveries, places I go jalan-jalan, events I attended.. and many more! A LOT has happened throughout the years..I was caught up with work, I was busy chasing money,  getting married, changing jobs, going through some health issues..and oh remember lockdown? Yeah that pretty much took away a couple of years... so I kinda lost touch with this page and to be honest, I miss it so much! So I told myself the other day, I want to write again. About a lot of things.. not just reviews but also personal thoughts, feelings, observations etc. I've always loved pouring my heart out through writing, and I hope to make this as my comfort space. I hope it will be for you too 😊  It will also be a place where I share my journey of self-love and self-care. Being in my 30s, sometimes I tend to neglect the important bits for m