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Dove launched "Rambutmu,Mahkotamu" - Be Free of Hair Fall, Be Empowered

I admit; I have hair fall problem. Whenever I shampoo my hair, a monster ball of hair is created in my hands. I'm not shy to admit this because it is a common problem among us women, but not openly discussed. Thanks to Dove, I'm going to explore this latest range of hair care to curb hair fall!

Alhamdulillah syukur, I was invited to attend the media launch of Dove's latest campaign "Rambutmu, Mahkotamu" at Double Tree by Hilton, followed by majlis buka puasa. It was my first time at Double Tree, and first time buka puasa at hotel :)

The event layout was superb. Gotta love the lighting and stage. Exclusive!

"Dove Rambutmu, Mahkotamu" is Dove's first ever campaign to inpsire Malaysian women to curb hair fall and lend a helping hand to each other for support and aspiration. Dove is collecting 10,000 voices of aspirational statements to signify the commitment made to stop hair fall from interfering women's everyday life.

The event was hosted by Nana Mahzan, one of my favourite celebs. She is actually heavily pregnant now but you can't see it in this picture kan? hehe hot mama! Super friendly and super gorgeous too.

This was a fun session for the audience. A short talk was conducted on hair fall problems and audience was given a number of coloured cards to answer questions, by raising the right colour code for the answer you have chosen. It was fun to see many people had different thoughts and myths on hair fall.

"Rambutmu, Mahkotamu" is championed by two real women, Athiya and Hasreena who are the ambassadors for this campaign. They have been best friends for 10 years and suffered hair fall. Thanks to Dove Hair Fall Rescue System, they have found their solution! As best friends, they never stop suggesting solutions and giving moral support to each other to live life :)

The launch of Dove Rambutmu, Mahkotamu & Dove Hair Fall Rescue System

With celebrity friends, Dynas Mokhtar and Yasmin Hani, Athiya & Hasreena, and the powerful women of Dove Malaysia. They are holding their aspirations! I have mine too! Tungggu..

Thanks for the photo, Dove! I invited Joanna Choong a.k.a. Josarine to join the event as well! Check out her blog if you haven't!

Thank you Dove for the goodies. This is the whole set of Dove Hair Fall Rescue System; "which contains Trichazole Actives to help anchor hair firmly in place at the roots, nourishing the area where hair fall occurs."

  • Shampoo (375ml) - RM14.90
  • Conditioner (180ml) - RM9.90
  • Intensive Hair Tonic - RM32.90

When 10,000 voices are collected, Dove will donate RM10,000 to Dove Empowerment Fund to help less fortunate women with hair problems - beauty workshops, charity events, etc! Isn't that amazing?

You can contribute your voices and be part of the Dove's empowerment effort in four simple steps:

1) Log on to Dove Hair Malaysia Facebook page
2) Click on Dove Rambutmu Mahkotamu application
3) Complete the aspirational statement, "If I was free from hair fall...."
4) Lastly, women can choose if they would like to play a role in the Dove Empowerment Fund

What about you?? :)

They need 10,000 voices! Don't forget to spread the word and invite your friends to join in the fun too!

Thank you Jess from Edelman PR and Dove for inviting me! Cheers!



  1. hey Lina..pttlah mcm kenal and familiar ..sbb pernah jumpa kt event dove ni kan..thanks for following me on my blog..:)

    1. Hi Asyik! hehe ha ah..kita jumpa kat Dove event ni :) Your welcome, thank you for following my blog too. Nice to meet you! Keep in touch :)

  2. I saw your photo in the gallery :)

  3. I saw your picture in the gallery. Spread the word, share the story :)


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