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Review: Hair Depot @ Jalan Telawi 5, Bangsar

Salam and hola all! 
Hair??'s either we are blessed with awesome hair or the opposite. Either way, taking care of hair is very important because it affects first impression, hygiene, and your overall look. If you have nice skin, like to put on awesome makeup but never bother to give extra attention to your hair, then there's no point! It's time to stop neglecting your hair and you may find all your needs at Hair Depot located on Jalan Telawi 5, Bangsar.  Last month, bloggers from The Butterfly Project were invited for a gathering at Hair Depot. Thank you Butterfly Project! I couldn't resist a hair event ;) 

Hair Depot is spacious, and the huge labels on top of each category makes it easy for customers to find what they're looking for. Besides focusing on hair, Hair Depot is actually your head to toe shop; it has body care, skin care, accessories, and more! Check out these pictures below.. of course, there are more than what I put here. You need to visit the shop to see more! You will find many many MANY (YES MANY!) brands for hair especially! Sebut je..diorang boleh carikan :) 

Hair colour! Have fun choosing :)

Now this range attracted me the most.. the packaging is cute and it's all about milk! I like milky stuff!

Fake lash pun ada!

At Hair Depot, not only do they have small or regular sizes products, they also have giant sizes like this picture above, suitable for those who are running a salon or if  you want it for yourself pun boleh! need to buy for the next one year or more? hahaha..

 Welcome speech by Illy from the SWAT team of The Butterfly Project, and the team from Hair Depot. this is the fun part! Besides exploring what Hair Depot offered, we were given free hair styling (curling or straightening) and hair chalking, as well as scalp analysis. I was told I had super oily scalp, which is true as I have been suffering scalp problem since I was young and constantly need to find the right shampoo. Anyway, I was super excited for the hair chalking part because I've never done it before and putting many colours on your hair sound and look awesome, don't you think! 


 Amacam? Cantik tak? Yes, bila balik rumah, kene bebel skejap dengan mama..haha but I told her it can be washed off with water and terus hilang. Okay peeps, let me tell you something about hair chalk. First, you need to spray your hair with a little bit of water and then you take the chalk and 'gosok gosok' on your hair. Dry it with a hair dryer. Be careful, it stains badly with water. So if you put it on and it's raining outside..GONE! Do not wear white shirt of course. If your palms are sweaty and you run your hands through your hair, it will stain on your hands. Hair chalk makes your hair kasar too.. so don't do this too often or you may damage your hair. It's fun once in a while :)

With Anfaal and Yuh Jiun! :) 

Our lunch by Little Wonton! Omg, this was my second time having Little Wonton and I LOVE LOVE IT! 

 Group photo with the gorgeous Butterflies :) *photo credits to The Butterfly Project*

Since we had our scalp analysis, we were given Midori scalp care shampoo and mask to bring home and a box of hair chalk! Thank you so much Hair Depot for the goodies. I've been using the scalp shampoo and I can say my scalp is getting better each day! 

No, 20 G/F,
Jalan Telawi 5, Bangsar,
59100, KL.
Tel: 03-22022215

Operating hours:
10am - 8pm (Tue-Sun)
Closed on Monday

Click these links to find out more:

Hair Depot &  K Care Shop

The Butterfly Project

Hair Depot has outlets all over Klang Valley, not just in Bangsar. Click here to see which store is nearer to you! 

Thank you The Butterfly Project and Hair Depot for inviting us for this gathering. Now let's all take good care of our hair. It's never too late to start something :)



  1. hi Lina ingat i lagi x?? btw nice to meet you last event =) patutlah rambut u cantik masa event guess dah pergi depot dulu yee.

  2. Love it how they did your hair, Hair depot is an amazing place, thanks for taking the time to share this, feels more like a beauty and wellness spa than just hair =)

    1. It's an amazing place to find great hair products that you cannot find in drugstores! The shop assistants are really helpful and knowledgeable too!


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